Modern Witch Tarot Deck Meanings

Modern witch tarot deck meanings delve into the captivating world of tarot, unveiling the rich symbolism and archetypal energies that lie within these mystical cards. This comprehensive guide provides an immersive journey through the major and minor arcana, court cards, spreads, and interpretations, empowering readers with the knowledge to harness the wisdom of the tarot.

From the enigmatic Fool to the transformative World, each card holds a profound meaning, inviting us to explore our inner landscapes, unravel our potential, and navigate life’s challenges with clarity and purpose.


Witch deck

A modern witch tarot deck is a type of tarot deck that has been designed specifically for modern witches and practitioners of witchcraft. These decks often incorporate imagery and symbolism that is relevant to the beliefs and practices of modern witchcraft, such as the use of herbs, crystals, and other magical tools.

Tarot readings are a form of divination that involves using a deck of tarot cards to gain insight into a person’s past, present, and future. The cards are shuffled and then laid out in a specific pattern, and the reader interprets the meaning of the cards based on their position and the images and symbols on them.

Symbolism and Imagery

Modern witch tarot decks often incorporate a wide variety of symbolism and imagery that is relevant to the beliefs and practices of modern witchcraft. This symbolism can include images of herbs, crystals, and other magical tools, as well as symbols of the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and the astrological signs.

The cards in a modern witch tarot deck may also feature images of deities, spirits, and other beings that are important to the practice of witchcraft.

Major Arcana Card Meanings

Modern witch tarot deck meanings

The Major Arcana cards in a modern witch tarot deck are archetypal symbols representing significant life lessons, challenges, and opportunities. Each card carries a specific meaning and symbolism, providing insights into the querent’s current situation and potential path.

Card Meanings and Symbolism

Card Meaning Symbolism
The Fool New beginnings, adventure, spontaneity A young person embarking on a journey, carrying a staff and a knapsack
The Magician Manifestation, creativity, skill A person standing at a table, surrounded by magical tools
The High Priestess Intuition, subconscious, hidden knowledge A woman seated between two pillars, holding a book of wisdom
The Empress Fertility, abundance, creativity A woman surrounded by nature, holding a scepter and a shield
The Emperor Authority, structure, control A man seated on a throne, holding a scepter and an orb
The Hierophant Tradition, conformity, spiritual guidance A man wearing a robe and a mitre, holding a key and a staff
The Lovers Love, relationships, choices Two lovers embracing, surrounded by a heart-shaped wreath
The Chariot Victory, success, determination A chariot drawn by two horses, driven by a warrior
Strength Courage, strength, inner power A woman taming a lion
The Hermit Introspection, solitude, self-discovery An old man walking with a lantern
The Wheel of Fortune Change, luck, destiny A wheel with eight spokes, each representing a different aspect of life
Justice Balance, fairness, accountability A woman holding a sword and scales
The Hanged Man Sacrifice, surrender, new perspectives A man hanging upside down from a tree
Death Transformation, endings, new beginnings A skeleton carrying a scythe
Temperance Balance, moderation, harmony An angel pouring water from one cup to another
The Devil Temptation, addiction, materialism A red-skinned figure with horns and a tail
The Tower Destruction, upheaval, sudden change A tower struck by lightning
The Star Hope, inspiration, renewal A woman pouring water from a jug, surrounded by stars
The Moon Intuition, dreams, subconscious A moonlit landscape with a wolf howling
The Sun Joy, success, vitality A shining sun with a smiling face
Judgment Awakening, renewal, rebirth An angel blowing a trumpet, surrounded by rising souls
The World Completion, success, fulfillment A woman dancing within a wreath of flowers

Minor Arcana Card Meanings

Witch tarot modern deck seeking active women

The Minor Arcana cards, comprising 56 cards, are divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit represents a different element and aspect of life, and the cards within each suit are numbered from Ace to 10, with four court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King) completing the sequence.

The Minor Arcana cards provide insights into everyday situations, relationships, and personal growth. They can reveal challenges, opportunities, and potential outcomes, offering guidance and clarity on specific aspects of life.

Wands Suit

  • Ace of Wands:New beginnings, inspiration, passion, creativity.
  • Two of Wands:Planning, decision-making, choices, balancing.
  • Three of Wands:Expansion, growth, progress, travel.
  • Four of Wands:Home, family, community, celebration.
  • Five of Wands:Conflict, competition, challenges, obstacles.
  • Six of Wands:Victory, success, recognition, achievement.
  • Seven of Wands:Courage, determination, perseverance, facing challenges.
  • Eight of Wands:Movement, progress, swift action, change.
  • Nine of Wands:Resilience, strength, overcoming adversity, endurance.
  • Ten of Wands:Responsibility, burden, completion, exhaustion.
  • Page of Wands:Enthusiasm, spontaneity, creativity, adventure.
  • Knight of Wands:Courage, passion, ambition, determination.
  • Queen of Wands:Leadership, confidence, passion, independence.
  • King of Wands:Authority, power, charisma, vision.

The Wands suit is associated with the element of fire, representing passion, creativity, and inspiration. It encourages action, adventure, and the pursuit of goals.

Cups Suit

  • Ace of Cups:Love, emotions, relationships, intuition.
  • Two of Cups:Partnership, connection, harmony, balance.
  • Three of Cups:Celebration, joy, friendship, abundance.
  • Four of Cups:Apathy, boredom, indifference, dissatisfaction.
  • Five of Cups:Loss, disappointment, grief, heartbreak.
  • Six of Cups:Nostalgia, memories, childhood, innocence.
  • Seven of Cups:Choices, options, possibilities, temptation.
  • Eight of Cups:Transition, change, leaving behind, letting go.
  • Nine of Cups:Fulfillment, contentment, happiness, success.
  • Ten of Cups:Family, home, happiness, completion.
  • Page of Cups:Sensitivity, intuition, imagination, dreams.
  • Knight of Cups:Romance, compassion, sensitivity, idealism.
  • Queen of Cups:Nurturing, empathy, love, understanding.
  • King of Cups:Emotional intelligence, empathy, compassion, wisdom.

The Cups suit is associated with the element of water, representing emotions, relationships, and intuition. It encourages emotional expression, compassion, and connection with others.

Swords Suit

  • Ace of Swords:Clarity, intellect, power, truth.
  • Two of Swords:Balance, decision-making, compromise, stalemate.
  • Three of Swords:Heartbreak, pain, betrayal, loss.
  • Four of Swords:Rest, recuperation, retreat, contemplation.
  • Five of Swords:Conflict, competition, defeat, aggression.
  • Six of Swords:Transition, change, moving on, letting go.
  • Seven of Swords:Deception, cunning, strategy, betrayal.
  • Eight of Swords:Limitation, restriction, imprisonment, self-sabotage.
  • Nine of Swords:Anxiety, worry, fear, nightmares.
  • Ten of Swords:Endings, defeat, failure, loss.
  • Page of Swords:Intelligence, curiosity, learning, communication.
  • Knight of Swords:Courage, determination, ambition, intellect.
  • Queen of Swords:Intellect, logic, clarity, independence.
  • King of Swords:Authority, power, intellect, justice.

The Swords suit is associated with the element of air, representing intellect, communication, and mental clarity. It encourages critical thinking, analysis, and the pursuit of knowledge.

Pentacles Suit

  • Ace of Pentacles:Abundance, wealth, prosperity, manifestation.
  • Two of Pentacles:Balance, juggling, stability, financial management.
  • Three of Pentacles:Skill, craftsmanship, hard work, collaboration.
  • Four of Pentacles:Security, stability, conservatism, material possessions.
  • Five of Pentacles:Poverty, lack, insecurity, financial struggles.
  • Six of Pentacles:Generosity, charity, giving, receiving.
  • Seven of Pentacles:Patience, perseverance, growth, development.
  • Eight of Pentacles:Mastery, skill, apprenticeship, dedication.
  • Nine of Pentacles:Independence, self-reliance, success, fulfillment.
  • Ten of Pentacles:Family, legacy, wealth, financial stability.
  • Page of Pentacles:Practicality, stability, organization, ambition.
  • Knight of Pentacles:Hard work, reliability, loyalty, practicality.
  • Queen of Pentacles:Abundance, prosperity, fertility, nurturing.
  • King of Pentacles:Wealth, success, stability, authority.

The Pentacles suit is associated with the element of earth, representing stability, material possessions, and practical matters. It encourages financial planning, hard work, and the creation of a secure foundation.

Court Card Meanings

Tarot modern witch deck card

In a modern witch tarot deck, the court cards represent people in your life or aspects of yourself. They can provide insight into relationships, personality traits, and potential outcomes.

Page Cards, Modern witch tarot deck meanings

Page cards represent new beginnings, potential, and learning. They are often associated with youth, enthusiasm, and a willingness to explore new things.

  • Page of Wands:Creativity, passion, adventure
  • Page of Cups:Intuition, sensitivity, imagination
  • Page of Swords:Intelligence, communication, quick thinking
  • Page of Pentacles:Practicality, stability, hard work

Knight Cards

Knight cards represent action, determination, and courage. They are often associated with travel, adventure, and new experiences.

  • Knight of Wands:Passionate, impulsive, driven
  • Knight of Cups:Romantic, intuitive, imaginative
  • Knight of Swords:Intelligent, analytical, decisive
  • Knight of Pentacles:Practical, reliable, hardworking

Queen Cards

Queen cards represent maturity, wisdom, and stability. They are often associated with leadership, compassion, and nurturing.

  • Queen of Wands:Creative, passionate, independent
  • Queen of Cups:Intuitive, compassionate, loving
  • Queen of Swords:Intelligent, analytical, fair
  • Queen of Pentacles:Practical, organized, resourceful

King Cards

King cards represent power, authority, and leadership. They are often associated with strength, ambition, and success.

  • King of Wands:Charismatic, passionate, ambitious
  • King of Cups:Emotional, intuitive, compassionate
  • King of Swords:Intelligent, analytical, decisive
  • King of Pentacles:Practical, successful, ambitious

When interpreting court cards in a reading, consider the suit of the card, the symbolism associated with the card, and the personality traits of the people represented. These cards can provide valuable insights into the people and situations in your life.

Spreads and Interpretations: Modern Witch Tarot Deck Meanings

Tarot modern witch deck

Tarot spreads are specific arrangements of cards used in a reading to gain insight into a particular question or situation. Modern witch tarot readings often employ various spreads, each designed to address different aspects of a query.

Common Tarot Spreads

Some common tarot spreads include:

  • Three-Card Spread:A simple yet effective spread for quick insights into a past, present, and future situation.
  • Celtic Cross Spread:A more comprehensive spread that explores various facets of a question, including challenges, opportunities, and potential outcomes.
  • Horseshoe Spread:A spread that focuses on relationships and personal dynamics, providing insight into past, present, and future interactions.
  • Relationship Spread:A specialized spread designed to examine the dynamics and challenges within a romantic relationship.
  • Career Spread:A spread tailored to provide guidance and insights related to career aspirations, obstacles, and potential paths.

Interpreting the Cards in a Spread

When interpreting the cards in a spread, it is essential to consider their individual meanings as well as their position within the spread. The placement of each card can provide additional context and nuance to the overall reading.

  • Upright Position:Generally indicates a positive or favorable interpretation.
  • Reversed Position:May indicate a challenge, delay, or need for caution.
  • Adjacent Cards:The cards adjacent to a particular card can influence its meaning, providing further context or shading.

Factors Influencing Interpretation

The interpretation of a tarot reading can be influenced by various factors, including:

  • The Reader’s Intuition:The reader’s personal insights and intuitive abilities can play a role in shaping the interpretation.
  • The Querent’s Perspective:The beliefs, values, and experiences of the person receiving the reading can influence how the cards are interpreted.
  • The Context of the Question:The specific question or situation being explored can provide guidance for interpreting the cards.
  • The Deck Used:Different tarot decks may have slightly different meanings associated with each card, which can impact the interpretation.


Modern witch tarot deck meanings

In summary, modern witch tarot decks provide a unique and accessible way to connect with intuition and explore the mysteries of life. They offer a rich tapestry of symbols and archetypes that can empower individuals to gain insights into their current situation, potential paths, and personal growth.

The benefits of using a modern witch tarot deck include its accessibility, versatility, and potential for personal empowerment. However, it is essential to approach tarot reading with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and a respectful attitude towards the practice.

Advice for Beginners

For those interested in learning more about tarot reading, it is recommended to:

  • Start with a deck that resonates with you and that you find visually appealing.
  • Take time to study the meanings of the cards and familiarize yourself with the symbolism.
  • Practice regularly and keep a journal to record your readings and insights.
  • Seek guidance from experienced tarot readers or join a tarot community for support and learning.
  • Remember that tarot is a tool for self-discovery and personal growth, and approach it with an open and non-judgmental attitude.

FAQ Insights

What is the significance of the imagery in modern witch tarot decks?

The imagery in modern witch tarot decks often draws inspiration from ancient traditions, mythology, and nature, creating a powerful connection between the reader and the archetypal energies of the cards.

How can I interpret the cards in a tarot spread?

Interpreting tarot cards in a spread involves considering the position of the cards, their relationship to each other, and the overall energy of the reading. Each card contributes to the narrative, offering insights into past, present, and potential future outcomes.